Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why not and an indigenous approach to learning!

http://diverseeducation.com/article/11850/Gregory Cajete a Native American Scholar who avocates  for Native Science and an indigenous approach to
 learning in elementary and secondary schools in America. His philosophy is geared towards incorporating Natural science and math in school curriculum. He finds the importants of educating today's children to have a well rounded school experience being taught the importance of community,cultural and the environment. Why not embrace his philosophy of education. Since America is so filled with rich history of native americans why not incorporate thier voice and history in our school system. We should embrace and welcome this form or learning and teaching in our educational system. There is a lot to be learned by knowing the ways of the indigenous people.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Is the Zero Tolerance policy in Schools working?

It is true that some of the nations public schools have become violent and dangerous for both students and teachers. In the inner cities there has been issues with school shootings and stabbings.drug use and the like. In rural schools there are reported incidents with bullying and drug use and the like. Teachers are not exempt from the violence that students face. They are threatened, harrassed and beaten by students also. So what was a school to do. There is now a Zero Tolerance policy that is suppose to place harsh punishment to students that violate the security and safety of the school, students and teachers. The policy is in place in all schools. It has pros and cons. The pros say that this policy deals with the violator expeditiously and makes students and faculty safe in a learning environment. The cons argue that the policy is racially bias that some student populations are being targeted at a greater rate. African Americans and Hispanics are being suspended, expelled and even having criminal charges brought against them at alarming rates. According to and article read a teacher spoke of incidents in which children were disciplined for non criminal offenses. All these  students were of color. One incident was a student who was expelled for a week for poking another student with a pen during an exam. Another incident was a student was suspended for months for sharpening his pencil without permission and giving a threatening look at the teacher when asked to sit down. These are bogus incidents but the reality is that many students of color being targeted with this Zero Tolerance policy. There needs to be reform. There needs to be more investigations into schools or cities that are having a large percentage of expulsions and suspensions. The statistics show that students that are expelled usually end up dropouts. This should not be allowed to happen to such kids the need to be educated as much as they need food and water to live. Lets make this policy fair or lets revamp it and try something else that works for everyone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Social Justice-Should Teachers address the issue of Poverty in Schools?

If school is a place will students obtain knowledge to help them become well informed and educated individuals than would that include teaching social issues too? Poverty in society is a reality. It effects can be devastating. According to Money.CNN.com the nations poverty rate in 2010 was 15.1%. The alarming face is that 22% were poverty for children. With that fact it is obvious that school aged children are going to public schools with lack. How does a teacher combat that issue. Should a teacher combat that issue? It is said that if a child goes hungry he lacks the ability to learn at his ful1 potential.  If a child is living in poverty then some needs are not being meet. food is one of those needs. Although there are Federal programs such as the SNAP, Free Lunch and Wic,many families are still at a disadvantage. Many families today do not fit into the mold of qualifying for those services. The reality is that many families are just one paycheck away from being in the poverty level. So what happens to the children that are sent to the public schools? Should teachers get involved? Should the school get involved.  Social Justice is just what it states. Teachers should get involved with social issues that effect their students. If a child is not performing to its potential because of outside issues then a teacher should be the advocated to aid in services and awareness. How do you bring that to a classroom. In literature I read I saw that some curriculum do include the topic of poverty and hunger. This is a subject taught in class. I believe this can bring awareness to students and aid in giving students that are a product of this a feeling of hope. There are also ways in which the teacher can identify students that may perhaps be in need of clothes, food or shelter and referring them to social organizations that can provide the needs. There can also be class project like food drives and clothing drives. All this can bring awareness of the issue of poverty and combat it with the aid of students.  Some may argue that a teachers job should be to education the student not engaging in social issue. Some may thing that a teacher is projecting is own agenda and forcing it down the throats of the students. This may be true for some but with the statistic as it is it really needs to be address for the betterment of the students that are effected by it as a whole. Should teacher address poverty in public school? Yes they should with ethics and selflessness.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Social Reconstructionism, Can this work in schools today?


Social Reconstuctionism is a modern philosophie that is influenced by western Education. It makes people accountable for change in society. So should this philosopy be used in our schools? Should Students be aware of the ills or society? should they be taught how to change problems as a whole? I believe Students should be made aware of societal issues. These subjects should be discussed in schools. Students should have a say in the world in which they live. The use of this such style of thinking in schools would bring about inquiry in students. There would be more stimulating thinking. I think Social Reconstructionalism would work in schools today and is very much needed. Students should be prepared how to fight for causes and stand up for injustices and the like. Young minds can do wonders to societal problems. An example how this approached was used in schools comes for a Baltimore Algebra Project. The class staged a walkout and blocked traffic by drawing pictures of dead bodies in the street while chanting "no education, no life". Then the students took pictures or their deplorable school and used them to send to lawmakers and politicians. This is a great example of how social reconstruction can be used in school to advocate change in society. More projects like this needs to come from the students.