Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It as been a wonderful experience. So long!!!

The semester is winding down and this class is done. I have learn so much in this course. I 've learned a lot about myself also. In this course I learned the different challenges new educators will face and how to overcome them. I have learned that there are many different learning styles for children and technique in which teacher can use to best educate the students. I have found a passion for wanting to help African-American inner city children. I also have been enlightened from my classmates on the serious issue of Bullying in schools. I learned that a teacher should be opened minded and willing to check bias that may hinder their perception of students. I have been taught the purpose and meaningfulness in having public education. I learned the may different teaching model and philosophy and I learn that today's classrooms are becoming very diverse. We as educators have to be aware and prepared to learn different cultures and adapt classroom instruction to fit the environment. I also learn the rights of students, teachers and parents. I also learned that School officials/local government and sometimes parents choose curriculum. Teachers have the authority to choose topic matter on subjects and teach it to fit the class climate. I also learn that different counties around the world have different educational system. So are as  good as or better than ours and we should be willing to adapt whatever ways make our system better.  School is the foundation for academic achievement and social development. The schools, communities and parent should all work together to make sure the children of today are not being slighted. So long for now........

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